Sunday, March 7, 2010


So many of you have been asking for it - okay kind of a lie- a couple of you have put it out there, "Laurel you should write a book, or something." Well a book seems a little out of reach at this point but I figured I could maybe,possibly manage a daily blog. This is my goal ladies and gentlemen- to write a blog daily for a year straight. These blogs are not going to be me going on about "well today I woke up crying..then I went to class..then I came home and cried some more..blah blah blah..." no these blogs are going to be me tackling a new subject everyday and sharing my unique (and yes crazy) views on those specific topics. After awhile I may get a little crazy and decide to throw in some vlogs (video blogs) if I am really feeling adventurous- I don't know we we see. So get ready ladies and sirs!!! It's about to get alllll crazy up in here...Oh god,so it begins...........

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