Monday, March 8, 2010

If you want my body and you think I'm sexy Come on, sugar, let me know

Boobs pushed out,tight gray shirt,men sweat pants,freshly frosted hair with way to much product,fake-orange tan,caked on makeup, copious amount of eye make-up.....SLOOOOTS.....sluts...We all have seen these kinds of girls, the ones with the real bubbly handwriting and smell like infant hookers- with their excessive amount of Holister-fowl smelling- perfume. They are commonly known as: Whores,Hoes,Hookers,Skanks,Slutty betches...or as I like to refer to them as Low-self-esteemers. It does not matter where you go- these girls are everywhere...everywhere...The age range of these girls start at a shockingly young age..most of the time these kinds of girls uprise because they want to be what is currently considered "Hot" in pop-culture or it stems from a hard home life (May I say this excuse is not plausable- you have the ability to thrive even in the worst situation)- They commonly begin to spring around the sixth grade, even before they have even developed any kind of figure- it then moves out of middle school into high school, where the amount of these girls make up a good population of the school. You would think by the end of senior year these girls would have matured enough to put some clothes on, stop fake-baking, and remove the eight pounds of make-up they have piled up on thier faces...But nooooo it carries on into college. Now once we reach college these girls have made it to the PROS of whoring...They dont just act like they would lay down with just about anything that has a they actually START doing anything that walks. Thier low-selfesteem is greater than ever...and these girls do not care who or what they are messing with, they scream despererate as most of them get shwasted on the weekends and sex whatever is closest to them...They becomone okay with the idea that guys take advantage of thier flooded decision making skills. They love the attention- they love it so much that they sometimes they decide it is a great idea to tossle with men that are in happy,healthy relationships...Now these are the sluts that make it impossible for me to love the ones that just ACT like sluts,..So damn you REAL sluts damn you!
Then we have the lovliness of male-whorism...The men that love to tally up how many girls they have banged..And BASKING IN THE GLORY OF TAKING GIRLS VIRGINITY is thier all time main goal and bragging about it like so- "well I have taken X amount of girls V-card so I am awesome times X"...Awesome?not so much you dirty whore of man!The male whores I really can not stand are the ones that go after the high-self-esteem girls- the girls with ambition and class- the girls that keep it in thier pants and wear clothing- the girls that embrace thier natural beauty- the good wholesome girls. These male-hoebags seem to love acting like they give a damn about these girls only to show thier true colors when it comes down to the dirty. They smoothe talk thier way into girls pants- and these wholesome girls get something taken from them or if they are lucky they have the ability to stand up for themselves and say no before it is to late. The sad thing is the second they say no that smoothe talking douche-bag of a man is gone- leaving that poor girl that once felt like something worth it feeling useless and not good enough....This got me thinking, MALE WHORES OF THE WORLD why do you tossle with the good girls? Why do you love spreading your low-self esteem to girls that actually aspire to be something? Why can you not stay messing with the aformentioned slut, the ones that expect this whoreness out of you....Leave the girls that are looking for respect and healthy relationships alone..Because do you know what you are doing by going around messing with these wholesome girls? You are taking parts of them- little by little- they lose themselves and lose self-esteem. They begin to wonder if there is something wrong with them- they start to look for the wrong kind of acceptance, the kind that sluts look for....In some cases these good girls lose the good and turn into the sluts I talked about in the beginning of this blog...DONT YOU SEE! YOU ARE SPREADING THE SLUT EPIDEMIC! You male-whores may think this is great- MORE SLUTS TO BANG!Guess what Mr.Dick in a couple of years your wild side will have died down- you will start realizing you are lonely and you are going to want something more then a different vagina every week...You are going to want a partner for the rest of your life...Well guess what Mr. Ihavenorespectforyou- the only people surrounding you are other sluts..they do not want to have a partnership or companionship- they are broken human beings that are incapable of having a funtional relationship, thus leading to a bunch of lonely lives..So let me ask you male and female sluts of this the attention you are currently getting going to be enough to get you through 40 + years on lonliness? Probably not..So let us stop this on going epidemic and keep it in our pants in order to have a pleasent life....Or PLEASE if you are going to continue to slut it up PLEASE keep it with-in your little gang of low-selfesteemers and leave us classy people alone...Please and Thank you


  1. haha, laurel, you're awesome. and very blunt, lol. there is very much truth in this....the problem is being able to tell the @#$*@&#$@ boys apart from the good ones. A pretty good rule, though, is if they can't control themselves (physically and in other aspects of their life) then no matter how "good" they seem, they're absolutely not.

  2. So true Lauren!They are
