Saturday, March 13, 2010

Trying to find the words to describe this girl with out being disrespectful

"I am trying to find the words to describe this girl with out being disrespectful" Ohhhh well that is a nice thing to try to do Akon what are you gonna sa...."DAMN YOUZ A SEXY BITCH!".....Ohhh okay never mind....You seem to have hit the nail right on the head sir...Because us girls find it absolutely adorable when you refer to us as "Sexy bitches"....I feel the respect for us girls just radiating out of that song!Not just you "to blame" Mr.Akon, I know how all your other friends refer to us "bitches" too... Now do not get me wrong people, I love some rap music here and there and at times can dish it out OHHH SO NICELY ( just ask me to drop a freestyle-line sometime- oh the surprise you will receive......I'm lying right now).... I DO enjoy some rap music , it IS the number one provider for my 2-hour-long dance parties (a party..where I dance for 2 myself while my roomie is out with her bf, having a life.) Sometimes though ladies and gentle-sirrs I find the lyrics to these rap songs rather distasteful. Even though these men may promise to give us "Whatever we like" they seem to contradict these thoughtful statements by saying things like,
"fuck it I might wife you and buy you nice whips
ma' but you really gotta ride nice dick
know how to work your hips and your head's priceless.."
What??? is that all we are good for? is sexing you? Is that the way to get your respect? I mean really the message they are sending it out is that as long as we take our clothes off and perform the nasty they will suddenly want to spend the rest of their lives with us...Isn't that a little backwards? I am feeling more of the slut epidemic being spread........
The fun thing about rappers is they don't even try hiding the fact they are pigs..
"I see the way you looking at me and I already know, I wanna f*ck you, you are ready know I wanna f"ck you you allllready know girl"
.....OHHHH okay then come on over because THAT sir is the way to a girls heart!
I don't know..
Another thing about these SOBS is they think they are the COMPLETE shit...They all think they are greater than the next..not gonna point any fingers..cough cough..Mr. West.....Their cocky attitude is displayed through the fact that they choose to charge people 90 dollar per tickets for their shows...I love a world where men get paid 30 dollars an hour per each fan to say shit like, " I like it when you call me big papa.." Oh Notorious B.I.G. may you rest in peace you classy son of a bitch......I guess I don't understand this world...
..I wonder what would happen if these men grew some respect and lost some ego.........I think maybe rap music would cease to exist..WHAT A TRAGEDY THAT WOULD BE!.so PLEASE go ahead Mr.Akon,Mr.Weezy ( who trys ohh so hard to keep it easy) ,Mr.50 cent (continue taking those girls to the candy shop), and Mr.LUDA (ohh how I ACTUALLY love you) keep dropping those disrespectful tunes you make and propping that ego up ohhh so high - we will listen......I know this "sexy bitch" will.......

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I am to sexy for this shirt

Hey guysies!This is just a joke:) Personality trumps attractiveness any day!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My future's so bright,I gotta wear shades

When sitting in class I find my number one distraction is thinking "What comes next?" I start thinking- once I leave this class what am I going to do next? and before I know it I have worked myself up about the future to the point of freaking out. When I finally pop back into reality and the "now" I realize I haven't been paying attention- I have missed the present by worrying about the future. I have actually failed tests because I was not paying attention in class due to worrying about things that have not yet occurred. It got me thinking...what else am I missing while I am worrying about the future and how is worrying about the future going to improve my future? The sad reality is that I have missed out on a lot by wasting time worrying and no good has come out of worrying...The funny thing about this whole situation is the future I am worrying about and so scared of is never as bad as I think it will be...Sure there are hard moments but I am realizing something - I GET THROUGH THEM....they do not kill me, sure they may knock me down a few pegs but it is not anything that I can not come back from. I know that the future is an intimidating thing..sure there is a little uneasiness when it comes to the unknown..but I think that if you keep the mindset that whatever hard times come your way YOU will be OKAY...Also keep in mind that despite all the ugly things that will occur there will be WONDERFUL things that happen...Another key is to enjoy the little things... A little trick of mine is enjoying even little-good-feelings ..For instance- warm showers- I know it sounds minuscule in the big picture of life but think about how you have hot water to enjoy even that little bit of time of comfort....Enjoy the little things, make them bigger by appreciating it and finding joy.Live for the small good moments, even when the bigger things are not going well..Because guess what!Those small things DO build up.
My number one secret in not being afraid of the future is to get EXCITED about the future...Look at it this way- Each day is a new occurance of events, unexpected things happen each day because we do not know the future..You may have a bad day- the unexpected events were not good- but that is one day..You never know what the next days unexpected events are going to do not know if something amazing will happen,something life changing..Is that not exciting?!?!? I think so many of us fear the unexpected..the key is to be EXCITED about the unexpected each new day brings.It is all about the way you decide to look at the future. You can look at the future and the unexpected moments as something to fear and spend so much time worrying about it or you can look at the future and the unexpected moments as something to celebrate and get excited about. Plus you would be surprised how much positive attitude can affect your future. Take this situatuion as an example : You fall in love- the process is exciting and feels amazing- you heart is later broken - leaving you feeling hurt and like you lost a part of you. How are you going to handle this situation? Are you going to loathe or are you going to look at this situation in a positive light? You are probably wondering how can you look at lost love in a positive light?....It is as simple as getting excited about the possibilities that you face..You have no idea who will come into your life each day-its all about the unexpected- tomorrow or a month from now you may meet a new person that you will have the chance to fall in love with- you get to experiance that thrill and excitement all over again! And sure you can look at it as "What if they break my heart like the last" but what good is thinking about it that way? GET EXCITED FOR THE UNEXPECTED!whether good or bad! If you let that heartbreak eat you away and take your joy then you will probably never let anyone else in and never experiance that joy of falling in love ever again. See now how attitude and outlook can affect the future!
Worrying about the future will not improve your future. If anything it will hurt your future...So stop worrying,embrace the small good things, do not let the big bad things kill your postive outlook of the future, and GET EXCITED FOR THE UNEXPECTED. Your life is a story- are you gonna make it a happy-positive one? or are you going to let the unknown eat you away and bring you down? It is all up to you!Now stop being a little emo-scared-self loathing- loser and get excited about what is yet to come :)

Monday, March 8, 2010

If you want my body and you think I'm sexy Come on, sugar, let me know

Boobs pushed out,tight gray shirt,men sweat pants,freshly frosted hair with way to much product,fake-orange tan,caked on makeup, copious amount of eye make-up.....SLOOOOTS.....sluts...We all have seen these kinds of girls, the ones with the real bubbly handwriting and smell like infant hookers- with their excessive amount of Holister-fowl smelling- perfume. They are commonly known as: Whores,Hoes,Hookers,Skanks,Slutty betches...or as I like to refer to them as Low-self-esteemers. It does not matter where you go- these girls are everywhere...everywhere...The age range of these girls start at a shockingly young age..most of the time these kinds of girls uprise because they want to be what is currently considered "Hot" in pop-culture or it stems from a hard home life (May I say this excuse is not plausable- you have the ability to thrive even in the worst situation)- They commonly begin to spring around the sixth grade, even before they have even developed any kind of figure- it then moves out of middle school into high school, where the amount of these girls make up a good population of the school. You would think by the end of senior year these girls would have matured enough to put some clothes on, stop fake-baking, and remove the eight pounds of make-up they have piled up on thier faces...But nooooo it carries on into college. Now once we reach college these girls have made it to the PROS of whoring...They dont just act like they would lay down with just about anything that has a they actually START doing anything that walks. Thier low-selfesteem is greater than ever...and these girls do not care who or what they are messing with, they scream despererate as most of them get shwasted on the weekends and sex whatever is closest to them...They becomone okay with the idea that guys take advantage of thier flooded decision making skills. They love the attention- they love it so much that they sometimes they decide it is a great idea to tossle with men that are in happy,healthy relationships...Now these are the sluts that make it impossible for me to love the ones that just ACT like sluts,..So damn you REAL sluts damn you!
Then we have the lovliness of male-whorism...The men that love to tally up how many girls they have banged..And BASKING IN THE GLORY OF TAKING GIRLS VIRGINITY is thier all time main goal and bragging about it like so- "well I have taken X amount of girls V-card so I am awesome times X"...Awesome?not so much you dirty whore of man!The male whores I really can not stand are the ones that go after the high-self-esteem girls- the girls with ambition and class- the girls that keep it in thier pants and wear clothing- the girls that embrace thier natural beauty- the good wholesome girls. These male-hoebags seem to love acting like they give a damn about these girls only to show thier true colors when it comes down to the dirty. They smoothe talk thier way into girls pants- and these wholesome girls get something taken from them or if they are lucky they have the ability to stand up for themselves and say no before it is to late. The sad thing is the second they say no that smoothe talking douche-bag of a man is gone- leaving that poor girl that once felt like something worth it feeling useless and not good enough....This got me thinking, MALE WHORES OF THE WORLD why do you tossle with the good girls? Why do you love spreading your low-self esteem to girls that actually aspire to be something? Why can you not stay messing with the aformentioned slut, the ones that expect this whoreness out of you....Leave the girls that are looking for respect and healthy relationships alone..Because do you know what you are doing by going around messing with these wholesome girls? You are taking parts of them- little by little- they lose themselves and lose self-esteem. They begin to wonder if there is something wrong with them- they start to look for the wrong kind of acceptance, the kind that sluts look for....In some cases these good girls lose the good and turn into the sluts I talked about in the beginning of this blog...DONT YOU SEE! YOU ARE SPREADING THE SLUT EPIDEMIC! You male-whores may think this is great- MORE SLUTS TO BANG!Guess what Mr.Dick in a couple of years your wild side will have died down- you will start realizing you are lonely and you are going to want something more then a different vagina every week...You are going to want a partner for the rest of your life...Well guess what Mr. Ihavenorespectforyou- the only people surrounding you are other sluts..they do not want to have a partnership or companionship- they are broken human beings that are incapable of having a funtional relationship, thus leading to a bunch of lonely lives..So let me ask you male and female sluts of this the attention you are currently getting going to be enough to get you through 40 + years on lonliness? Probably not..So let us stop this on going epidemic and keep it in our pants in order to have a pleasent life....Or PLEASE if you are going to continue to slut it up PLEASE keep it with-in your little gang of low-selfesteemers and leave us classy people alone...Please and Thank you

Sunday, March 7, 2010


So many of you have been asking for it - okay kind of a lie- a couple of you have put it out there, "Laurel you should write a book, or something." Well a book seems a little out of reach at this point but I figured I could maybe,possibly manage a daily blog. This is my goal ladies and gentlemen- to write a blog daily for a year straight. These blogs are not going to be me going on about "well today I woke up crying..then I went to class..then I came home and cried some more..blah blah blah..." no these blogs are going to be me tackling a new subject everyday and sharing my unique (and yes crazy) views on those specific topics. After awhile I may get a little crazy and decide to throw in some vlogs (video blogs) if I am really feeling adventurous- I don't know we we see. So get ready ladies and sirs!!! It's about to get alllll crazy up in here...Oh god,so it begins...........